GitHub Game Off 2016

Status - SHELVED

The GitHub Game Off 2016 was a game jam I entered.


GitHub Game Off 2016 Post-Mortem

So this is something that I’ve also been meaning to write for quite some time. I was turned onto the jam by my cousin about a week before the jam started. It sounded like quite a daunting undertaking, but at about the last minute I decided that it is something that will be worth doing though.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Update

So I’ve been quite absent the past few days and I thought to just write this last post as an update on the plans. Well to be really honest there are no more plans. I had to deal with some personal issues so I fell so behind schedule that I can’t make up for lost time.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 24 & 25

Tomorrow will be our Year End Function so I’ll likely not be doing anything then. I’ve also not been able to do anything today as life got in the way a bit. Hoping to get back into the swing of things on Saturday for the final stretch. That’s it for today!


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 23

Today I managed to spend quite a bit of time on my game. As seen in the screenshot below I’ve added shoot functionality to the turret and also started looking at making a nice tiled background. Unfortunately the current lasers shot out do no damage, but I’ll have to clean up the code first to make working with it a bit easier.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 22

So I managed to completely wreck my project today. For some reason the sudden inclusion of UnityEngine.dll as part of my domain output is causing Unity to have a freak-out and not want to run my game. As I’m writing this I’m thinking of ways to get past this, but I’ve had no success yet.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 21

So today was a bit of a write off. I merely sat and thought about stuff (while writing them down of course) which led me to not really doing anything. I did however decide on not going crazy on the different turrets in the game and just sticking with what I know I can implement in time. This did lead me onto another thought.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 20

So I’ve realized I’ve wasted so much time on fiddly bits without a proper vision of what I want to build. I did however make some progress towards a vision for the game. I’m opting for a very basic game right now with “enemies” or rather turret structures to fight along the way while exploring. The end goal would be to find the mystery base and destroy it, allowing one to proceed to a bigger cluster of asteroids with more turrets.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 19

Not the day I was hoping for, but I did make some progress even if it was mostly fiddling around with values to see how much my gravity calculation sucks. I actually upped the meteor count to 10 000! Everything was still running as smooth as it could! I did notice however that starting up my game takes a MASSIVE knock on speed if there area in which you wish to spawn them is a bit small.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 18

I took today off as work left me quite drained. I’m hoping tomorrow will deliver the results that I’m hoping for, but I’ll just have to wait and see. That’s it for today!


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 17

Today was quite an interesting day. We’re in the process of moving to be stationed at our client so we were finalizing the last issues before moving there tomorrow. I’ve really been struggling on what I’ll be pivoting the gameplay towards, but I do think I’ve managed an idea.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 16

So today has been a bit of a bust on development. I’ve been stuck on this parallaxing background for quite a while now as I’ve been having an issue with where the sprites match up. My cousin put me on to an article that explains why the issue is cropping up, but to solve the problem is proving more than I can manage. I’ll likely have to try and spend some time with my cousin this weekend to try and figure it out.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 15

Today was a very interesting day. We had the annual Tech Accelerator showcase event. I “lost” quite a bit of time there, but it was really interesting to see what my colleagues have been getting up to in their spare time. While there I did not let all the time go to waste though.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 14

What a day it was today! Life kind of got in the way as I had to renew my driver’s license, but I did manage to get it done and soldier on. Things are very slow going at the moment and as things stand right now I’ll most likely miss the deadline, but I’ll still try to get something playable. I am still planning on publishing so I’ll definitely have to take time and spend it on polishing.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 13

So sadly I mucked up again on today’s work. Was quite a busy day and lost some of my mojo towards working on this game. I’m hoping to get back into it tomorrow and take back my work in full swing.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 12

Today was a very interesting day. I spent a lot of time doing some house chores, but once I sat down the technical juices started flowing quite nicely. I did however not spend quite the amount of time I would have liked to spend, but I still believe I made some good progress.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 11

So tonight I’m typing this on my phone as the weather has decided to go batcrap crazy. I’ve thus been unable to do something productive as I fear the lightning might destroy some of my computing equipment.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 10

What a day it has been today! I did not quite spend the amount of time I and the little time I did spend consisted mostly of fiddling with the existing functionality. I did decide it’s time to start showing what my game will start to look like. So behold all the splendor below!


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 9

So I’m actually writing this the morning after the 9th day. I spent some time with my wife yesterday for once and decided on an afternoon nap at 18h00 just to clear my head a bit before working a bit more. I must say it was quite a nap as I only woke up today at 05h00 so there is nothing really more to report.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 8

What a day it has been. I’ve basically wasted most of my evening fiddling with some nice to have stuff. I won’t jot it down as a complete waste as I’ve now discovered how to properly add extra projects into the Unity generated solution as well as optimizing the Unity asset serialization to cater better towards using Git.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 7

Today was a bit of a slow day. I’ve played around with an initial following camera, it has however been a bit of a failure but it’s a starting point. I’ll be playing around with some different ideas as this attempt will not suffice for the final implementation.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 6

What a day it was! Happy birthday to my cousin! Now because of all the celebrations I did not get to spend a lot of time working on my game, but I did manage to do something. The something I did was to implement some basic gravity, this time much more simpler with the possibility of me using my gravity calculation to show an arrow that points in the direction that gravity is currently pulling your spaceship.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 5

I’m disappointed to have to say that today has not been a productive day at all. I haven’t really done anything except catch up on some sleep. I’m also unsure how tomorrow’s progress will be as it’s my cousin’s birthday.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 4

So today was a bit of a waste. It was a hectic day filled with fun activities. The only bit I’ve actually managed to do was to start on some possible art to use in the game and by that I mean I downloaded and installed Gimp.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 3

Today I started getting basic movement working. Having done this implementation for the Entelect Jam already it was quite quick pulling it in. Unfortunately I did not have time to look at pulling in the calculations for gravity interaction between objects, but that’s most likely going to take a few days to tweak so I’m not that worried.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 2

So it has happened that day 2 has come and gone. I haven’t written any code, but I did have quite some time to contemplate on what I’d like to build. It was a day filled mostly with punting about some game ideas with colleagues contemplating what we’d like to achieve with this game jam.


GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 1

This is something that flew a bit under my radar and left me with somewhat mixed feelings when I found out about it two weeks ago. Before I delve into what this is I just want to note that the Node.js and EventStore Part 2 & 3 are still in the works, I’ve just put it on the backburner for now as GameDev is where it’s at for me. The GitHub Game Off 2016 is a month long game jam run by, you guessed it, GitHub.